Anatomy of a great careers page
I’ve recently been having a dialogue with various clients around their careers page and how having a high calibre one is a crucial element in your talent strategy. It’s also something that can and should evolve as your business does.
One of the common issues I see is the lack of consideration about the candidate journey and what they actually want to find out. As we know, when they’re looking at your vacancies, candidates are also researching your business.
They’re checking out your online presence, how you convey your culture, your employer reviews, your staff culture and the profiles of your people and leaders. So this means that taking them on a bit of a journey about what your business is all about is really important.
I see a lot of careers pages with links to their jobs right at the top, with all the good stuff underneath which means that potential candidates could miss out on all the really valuable you have to tell them. So there’s a quick fix right there.
But what should you be thinking about for your careers page? Here’s some stuff to think of;
- Values – talk about them for sure, but show where you can. Video & pictures of your actual staff talking about what it’s like to work there, or doing things that are important to them are a great way to do this.
- Use real language – this has to be your language, not a cliched corporate veneer that sounds self-absorbed. Talk about how your people talk.
- High-quality visuals – Use a professional production company. Check out their portfolio, does the quality of their work reflect the standard you aspire to?
- Link your social profiles – On Insta, Twitter, Linkedin? Add them. On MySpace? Think carefully.
- Simple searching – Search by location, job group, or job title? Doesn’t matter, I’d always advise location first, if you only have one location, I’d defer to job groups (Design, Engineering, Product, etc) Just think useability first.
- Ease of application – Please, please, please – make it a one-click affair. Don’t ask them to enter field upon field of data that’s already in their resumes. Simple parsing into your ATS captures everything you need anyway.